ucberkeleyplanning: Panoramic photo of the renovation project from the construction observation deck at California Memorial Stadium.
Derby 2011.
Chicago from above, courtesy my brother Gabe Riggs.
billyriggsband: Songwriting with the family
Trip to Kaiser with the family reminded me of some ideas that may have application at UCB.
100,000 denim insulation fund
berkeleytransportation: Came across interesting fund to use blue jeans for building insulation. “…An initiative designed to reuse unwanted denim while keeping it out of landfills. The company will provide grants to organizations currently undergoing construction projects to offset the cost difference between using conventional insulation and recycled denim insulation.”http://www.levistrauss.com/sustainability/product/re-use/grant-application-form Perhaps we can make this happen… Continue reading 100,000 denim insulation fund
berkeleytransportation: Historic Durant Hall recently received LEED Silver certification for renovations completed in 2010 by Mark Cavagnero Associates.
Architect Tomer Maymon’s Website
Architect Tomer Maymon’s Website
the architecture practice of my friend Tomer Maymon
Our elephant gun has been reloaded, and my trigger finger is itchy… Warren Buffett
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnP6BC-W8m8 Quoting Sy Choudhury … “very smooth and stellar”. (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)