…it’s a race to the bottom. Interview with USA Today on subsidies from cities with Amazon HQ2 proposals https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2018/04/02/amazons-second-headquarters-search-hits-crunch-time-one-group-warns-its-race-bottom/473705002/
Tag: planning
My recent discussion on AVs w/ ABC news focused on how cities & tech co’s need to work together to reduce corner cases for vulnerable roadway users.
Future Cities and Self-Driving Cars
Beyond Complete Streets for Walking and Biking
Beyond Complete Streets for Walking and Biking
Check out my course on complete streets and multimodal planning for walking & biking on Planetizen.
Painting the fence: Social norms as economic incentives to non-automotive travel behavior
Painting the fence: Social norms as economic incentives to non-automotive travel behavior
Beginning a economic dialogue for transportation demand management programs and practice
Moving From Planning to Action: Exploring Best Practice Policy in the Finance of Local Bicycling and Pedestrian Improvements
New publication on streetscape finance with partner Elissa McDade.
Experts: 4 reasons two-way streets are better
Experts: 4 reasons two-way streets are better
Recent interview with the Louisville Courier Journal on my two-way streets research.
One of my favorite photos from summer research. Grandma, boys and the bus.
A New Analysis of One-Way Street Conversions in Louisville Finds Safety and Economic Benefits – CityLab
Great feature on my new publication in The Atlantic / CityLab
Street studies support New Albany proposal
Street studies support New Albany proposal
Another feature of my two-way streets research in-press with JPER.