Beyond Complete Streets for Walking and Biking
Check out my course on complete streets and multimodal planning for walking & biking on Planetizen.
Beyond Complete Streets for Walking and Biking
Check out my course on complete streets and multimodal planning for walking & biking on Planetizen.
Why don’t we talk about the number of cars on campus and why are we not doing a better job incentivizing biking and walking for students, let alone faculty and staff?
Walkability Report Generates Questions
New walkability benchmarking report out with some provocative results. I’m curious how Alaska can be the highest ranking state with regard to walking levels, but not have a city that ranks in the top 50.
Also, not surprising, the places with the most walking look like they have the most bike-ped related fatalities, but such inferences generate their own set of questions. All are significant areas of opportunity for research.
fritzriggs: not just cruising anymore (Source: