A couple photos from a recent research talk on street design for autonomous vehicles at TU Delft
Tag: transportation
Nice to revisit this dialogue on research needs for future mobility from Urbanism Next 2018 this past March (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
The Connection Between Two-Way Streets and Gentrification
The Connection Between Two-Way Streets and Gentrification
Recent feature of my work in CityLab
Recent talk about hyperloop with Circa.com (Source: https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/)
Speaking at the recent Bloomberg, Future of Mobility Summit https://about.bnef.com/summit/event/mobility/
My recent discussion on AVs w/ ABC news focused on how cities & tech co’s need to work together to reduce corner cases for vulnerable roadway users.
Painting the fence: Social norms as economic incentives to non-automotive travel behavior
Painting the fence: Social norms as economic incentives to non-automotive travel behavior
Beginning a economic dialogue for transportation demand management programs and practice
Riggs Feature on Planetizen: Why Autonomous Vehicles Probably Won’t Induce Sprawl
Moving From Planning to Action: Exploring Best Practice Policy in the Finance of Local Bicycling and Pedestrian Improvements
New publication on streetscape finance with partner Elissa McDade.
Research Informing Practice: Opportunities for Transportation Partner…
Research Informing Practice: Opportunities for Transportation Partner…
My presentation from today