Author: granit
Disruptive Transport: Driverless Cars, Transport Innovation and the Sustainable City of Tomorrow, 1st Edition (Hardback) – Routledge
New book available for pre-sale.
“A household can bring in $120,000 to $140,000 in most places throughout the Bay Area, and still not be able to affording housing within a comfortable 30 percent of their monthly expenses,” Riggs explains SF Chronicle
Part of the onus is on cities to invest in building safe spaces Miami Herald
Pix from a talk I gave in Detroit this week on the urban implications of autonomy.
Analysis | New York law curbing Uber may spread — and return focus to congestion pricing
Analysis | New York law curbing Uber may spread — and return focus to congestion pricing
Recent dialogue with the Washington Post on Uber policy in New York. Companies like Uber and lyft do have an incentive to make sure streets are passable. Funding transit infrastructure, designing streets for walking & biking & using congestion pricing are the right policy responses-not establishing arbitrary restrictions that limit access
Many planners speculate that since autonomous car occupants no longer need to waste the time spent in their vehicles, they may drive more miles,” said William W. Riggs, a professor of management at the University of San Francisco who focuses on city planning and transportation. Government Technology
Reminding myself why I do work in sustainability.
Recent interview with Megyn Kelly Today on future transportation and hyperloop. (Source:
A couple photos from a recent research talk on street design for autonomous vehicles at TU Delft