Experts: 4 reasons two-way streets are better
Recent interview with the Louisville Courier Journal on my two-way streets research.
Experts: 4 reasons two-way streets are better
Recent interview with the Louisville Courier Journal on my two-way streets research.
One of my favorite photos from summer research. Grandma, boys and the bus.
Great educational video from Canada re: parking standards, courtesy my UCLA colleague Don Shoup. (Source:
Photos from one of my summer research endeavors; presenting at the International Conference for Transport and Health in London. Abstract available here:
Great feature on my new publication in The Atlantic / CityLab
Street studies support New Albany proposal
Another feature of my two-way streets research in-press with JPER.
I think that they recognize that these are not easy and simple solutions, but cities have been very receptive,” he said. “Primarily because we make not only a traffic case, but we’re showing that there could be a potential economic development benefit,” he said. “Given what our country has been through in the last six… Continue reading Untitled
National notice for one-way street research – Insider Louisville
My one-way street conversion work with John Gilderbloom continues to spark a healthy discussion.
A research project on the impact of cargo bikes and travel patters is being conducted by Dr. William Riggs of the Department of City & Regional Planning at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in partnership with Yuba Bikes. A ‘cargo bike’ is defined as a: human powered vehicle / bicycle designed and constructed… Continue reading Take the Survey: Cargo Bikes & Transport
Noticed some great #roundabout case studies this morning @ITS_UCDavis #transportation #planning #design